Craniosacral Therapy

Course Introduction

A 50-day practitioner course for individuals wanting to become qualified craniosacral therapists.

Held over 2 years, this 10-seminar program teaches the art of the therapist and how to connect with the underlying health of the body and facilitate natural processes of healing.

The training is biodynamic in its approach orienting to the body’s natural wisdom and allowing innate intelligent processes to arise and bring about authentic re-organisation.

Biodynamic craniosacral therapy takes a whole-person approach to healing and the inter-connectedness of mind, body and spirit is deeply acknowledged.


The intention of the training is to provide a life transforming educational process that creates practitioners of excellence. The training is in-depth and comprehensive and honours the classical roots of the work along with recent developments in the field. Emphasis is placed upon the development of palpatory, perceptual and treatment skills which the student practitioner can integrate in a step by step process. The course is designed so that the information and skills gained in each seminar including in depth anatomical and embryological study, protocols for working safely with trauma and creating a client-centred approach to therapeutic bodywork are layered and built upon during subsequent seminars. The training’s goal is to facilitate student practitioners to practice craniosacral therapy on real people with real issues and conditions, in order to provide effective and safe treatment.

You will learn how to access the sensitivity of your hands, creating a spacious inviting touch, perceiving the body at different levels of organisation – the physical, the fluid and the energetic. This leads you to be free flowing and mobile in your ability to perceive things and see the body and the world with different eyes. You will also learn how to set up in practice as a professional therapist, working as an ethical practitioner and making a commitment to continually developing your skills.


Jade Wood - practicing Bio-Cranial Training
Jade Wood

Jade Wood

Further Details

2023 Dates:

See all dates and further information for booking on the Body Intelligence website.


Contact details and Booking


Jade Wood
Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (RCST)
Senior Tutor for Body Intelligence
Somatic Movement Practitioner
Embodiment Educator


Please book via this link on the Body intelligence website.

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